In a modest space carved out in 1995, Missu began as a dedicated state-owned enterprise, evolving into an esteemed private factory driven by the pioneering spirits of Guoqing Wei and Yuqi Feng. Our roots in laboratory precision laid the foundation for a future of creating exquisite daily-use glassware that celebrates the simple joys of dining.
With a commitment to sustainability and innovation, Missu transformed the industry norms, producing eco-friendly glassware that resonates with the modern consumer's desire for transparency and purity. Our venture into the digital world further solidified our standing, making our superior products accessible globally.
Now, Missu stands proud with a reach that spans across continents, offering high-quality glassware that brings the beauty of clarity to meals everywhere. We are more than just glassware; we are a vessel for a vision of a cleaner, more beautiful world at your table.